Never Forget Your Magnificence
You are magnificent. Make no mistake about that. In you, is the magic of stardust, the possibility for the dawning of consciousness, the music of the ages. Into your hands, the future of our beautiful Earth is entrusted. May your fine mind become an enlightened servant of your heart. You need not go anywhere at all, for this to become your path. You need not do anything fancy, either. Who you are is more than enough. May your will be strengthened through softening as you rise up to meet all challenges brought to your door. May you know that 'peace…
Finding Your Own Way
As I write this, it is nearly October, harvest time. Driving down the lane, through the woods this morning, signs were everywhere. The leaves, drenched in russet, gold, and autumn shades of green. Three deer paused in the act of eating breakfast from a neighbor's garden. Their brown, velvety coats, simply beautiful. Mother Nature has designed magnificent creatures. And then, I thought of you, and began to wonder just what might be useful for me to share with you, at this particular time in your life. You and I have seen the news. Isn't it funny how obsessed we can…